Department of Children and Families Oeer Specialist Jobs

Theme: Professions

School: №4


Teacher'due south name: Daiyrkhan A


Present: 15


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.L5 sympathise about specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

5.S7 use advisable subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk almost a limited range of general topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which depict people, places and objects

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Place the unlike types of jobs

  • describe what people of various occupations exercise and wearable at judgement level

  • ask and answer to the questions about jobs using appropriate bailiwick-specific vocabulary

Most learners will exist able to:

  • predict the answers to the questions about jobs

  • understand the features of jobs by generating questions

  • use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary to write a short essay almost profession

Some learners volition be able to:

  • ask and answer complex questions using active vocabulary

  • understand salient points of the text

  • use a broad range of discipline-specific vocabulary to write an extended essay about profession

Cross curricuiar links

Word around us, music ,fine art, handicraft

Asses s ment criteria

Use appropriate words in describing professions

Ask and answer to the questions about job

Describe what people of diverse occupations do and wear

Previous learning

Learners know the names of jobs


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




Greeting students

  1. Warm upwardly

T: Pupils have the cards of jobs pictures and you should divide into 2 groups.

1st group proper noun is – Teachers

twond grouping name is – Doctors

Previous learning.

T: What kind of jobs practice you lot know?

  • What is it?

  • Ok , you are right! Thanks a lot.

  • Do you lot desire to be a doc?

An astronaut, a policeman, a sorcerer, a musician, a lawyer, a cook, an architect, a crewman

Flashcards of



Pictures of the new words


20 min

10 min

  1. Presentation of the new lesson.

Group piece of work: Before watching video I show the pictures well-nigh jobs.

a)Pre-listening chore: Vocabulary related to the video.

Farmer, fireman, dentist,, plumber, tailor, bodyguard, doctor, teacher

b) While listening task: Learners picket the video almost 3 minutes

c) Lead – in questions:

Do you similar this video?

What is this video about?

d) Giving detailed comprehension questions:

Can you name the jobs?

What kind of jobs would yous adopt?

Postal service listening tasks:

  1. Writing. Level activities.

  1. Punch line activity. Match the words with the pictures

Pair work

Learners mind to song in first web link. They say jobs they heard and so listen over again to add together others. Record jobs learners remember on board.

Learners practise beginning worksheet job: lucifer workers' names with jobs. Listen to song again to check.

Students then classify and record jobs in table. The 'professions' require special education and diploma and 'not professions' tin exist done without a special qualification

Match the people from the song and the job. (P)



  1. Nigel Naylor

  1. farmer

  1. Penny Proctor

  1. fireman

  1. Peter Palmer

  1. dentist

  1. Wendy Witter

  1. plumber

  1. Mabel Meacher

  1. tailor

  1. Gary Gummer

  1. babysitter

  1. Patty Prentice

  1. doctor

  1. Ronnie Ryman

  1. teacher

Mind to explanation of 'profession', classify and record jobs in tabular array.


Not Professions

Answer keys:

Task i

  1. e

  2. g

  3. a

  4. f

  5. h

  6. d

  7. c

  8. b

Task ii


Non Professions









Peer assessment


Learners can match the names of jobs with their definition

Learners tin know the names of jobs

Individual work: Put the missing words. (I)


Cocky assessment

IY. Group work .Depict one person i n your groups (Chiliad)

For case:

    • Lawyer , well-dressed, hard-working, intelligent person and he helps to protect the rights of people

Y. Differentiation. Individual piece of work

Level A. Crossword

B .AFL - 'can do' literacy ideas. Learners should find the words from the crossword, and write it nether the pictures.

Now I can solve the crossword and name the words… Right answer.


Criteria-based assessment with teacher's right answer


Learners tin can solve the crosswords concerning to the jobs

Learners can remember and learn the new words

Level B. Task riddle


Learners must judge jobs

Level C.

  1. Match the words with the pictures.

a instructor, a vet, a cook, an artist, a fire fighter, a nurse,

a policeman

A___________ B___________ C____________

D_______ E__________ F___________



Write: Multi-sensory writing techniques. Letter change dictation .

1. ohw/ skool /ertfa/ kcis /eoplpe?

two. ohw/ sehcaet /nerdlihc ?

3.stahw/ sih/ boj?


Answers: (pair assessment with teacher's right respond)

  1. Who looks after sick people ?

  2. Who teaches children?

  3. What's his job?

  4. Who makes trousers?


Criteria-based cess with teacher's correct answer


learners tin can write letter change dictation

learners know the spelling of the sound

video of work

Papers with tasks

Slide share flashcards

Crossword with pictures

Agile board


5 min


Assessment criteria



I know x new words of professions

I can ask and reply about jobs

I tin describe professions

YII. Home piece of work: Write an essay ,, My time to come profession,,

Conclusion; Today you are very agile .Thank y'all for attending

Boosted information

Differentiation – how do yous programme to give more support? How do you programme to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are yous planning to check students' learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety cheque
ICT links
Values links

Learners will be given a, b ,c level tasks

Will be supported past differentiated worksheets

Some actress tasks are included to the program in case if more able students consummate fast the tasks

Instructor'southward laurels

Self-assessment criteria.

cocky-assessment comparing with right answer

peer cess comparing with right respond




Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

  • What did the learners learn today?

  • What was the learning atmosphere similar?

  • Did my planned differentiation work well?

  • Did I stick to timings?

  • What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What 2 things went actually well (consider both education and learning)?

What ii things would have improved the lesson (consider both educational activity and learning)?

What accept I learned from this lesson well-nigh the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?


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