Go Dark, Shine Bright

Go Dark. Shine Bright.

Go Dark, Shine Bright

The Go Dark, Shine Bright Campaign is for anyone with a desire to grow in their spiritual walk with Christ. Believers of all ages are invited to join us in shifting the way we use our social media, so that the light of the Lord can shine more brightly through us.

So, what does it mean to Go Dark and Shine Bright?

A 10-Day social media fast and concert of prayer followed by a 10-Day Challenge to
proclaim the Gospel.

"Go Dark"

A 10-day social media fast where we set aside the distraction of social media and focus on Jesus. Christians from around the world will gather to pray, in a variety of physical locations as well as over Zoom.

"Shine Bright"

After the 10-day social media fast, we then spend the next 10 days proclaiming Christ both online and in local communities in New England and beyond.

This program is designed to strengthen your faith in the following ways:

  • Declutter your mind by shutting off the non-stop stream of social media
  • Connect with a community of believers to build up the body of Christ
  • Proclaim the gospel to unbelievers in a way that combats negative media portrayals of Christianity

Take the "Go Dark, Shine Bright" pledge and get the social media fast guide!

Yes, I want to commit to the "Go Dark, Shine Bright" social media fast.

I will take my social media accounts "dark" for 10 days starting on May 6th. Please send me emails of encouragement for the fast and the 10-days to "Shine Bright" afterward.

Join the 15,110 people who have already taken the pledge!

1. Share your commitment on social media!

Let your friends and family know that you
plan to "Go Dark, Shine Bright" with these suggested announcement posts. Click here
for some announcement post suggestions
we created for you.

2. Encourage others to join you!

Invite other believers to participate in the social media fast, too! Click here for some invitation post suggestions we created for you.

3. Get ready!

Between now and May 6th, there's plenty of time to prepare for the social media fast.
Click here to read some of our helpful articles with tips and strategies to implement, and add our reading plan on the Bible app, where you'll find reflections and scriptures to help prepare your heart for the fast.

Example Post

I'm not leaving for good, but I am going to take part in a 10-day social media fast called
"Go Dark, Shine Bright" starting May 6th.
For 10 days, I'm replacing social media with
time spent with God. Will you join me? #GoDarkShineBright


Churches & Organizations

Become official "Go Dark, Shine Bright" partners

Receive special resources to take on and promote the "Go Dark, Shine Bright" social media fast through your own channels.

Join these other organizations in making an impact!

Yes, I'd like access to resources for my church or organization to participate.

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These simple, yet powerful activities have something to offer Christians of all ages and stages, whether it's supporting children in developing basic Christian character, helping youth find an answer to the rise of anti-Christian philosophies on college campuses, or encouraging adults to deepen their devotion to Christ.

Over 20,000 believers joined us for Go Dark, Shine Bright in 2021. In 2022, our goal is to gather 50,000 Christ-followers to proclaim the gospel.

Sign up now to begin receiving updates from Shine Bright Project as well as faith-affirming articles and resources, delivered straight to your inbox.

Another way you can offer your support is by spreading the word about Go Dark, Shine Bright. If you would like to involve your church or institution in the campaign, please contact [email protected].